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Praise be these women who decided to overthrow their king and make their Kingdom a Queendom forever and ever amen.

♥ Keralie. A thief who ultimately wants there to be justice in the world, Keralie is an unreliable narrator whether she means to be or not. The stories and memories she relays to us aren’t always accurate, but readers have no way of knowing what might not be true. Throughout the book we’re on a journey right along with her as she tries not only to find out what happened to the queens, but also learns how much she didn’t know about herself and the man who helped make her.

♥ Varin. I love Varin, and I wish that we had chapters from his POV. So many times I wanted to know what he was thinking, though it was generally easy enough to figure out. His quadrant was supposed to make him stoic and practical, but of course things didn’t end up that way. He’s quiet and controlled, but he loves art and he’s emotional.

♥ How skilled the storytelling was. There are multiple POVs (one of my fave plot devices), and most of them come and go throughout. But we’ve also got SO VERY MANY plot twists, SO MANY of which I did not see coming! To be honest, for most of them I thought I had it figured out. Like when A was acting like he didn’t believe B in front of everyone? I thought for sure A was just pretending, and that A had a secret plan. Guess what? NOT AT ALL WHAT’S HAPPENING. I thought I figured out a big reveal only to be completely blindsided by the actual truth.

Final Thoughts: I somehow went into this thinking that the queens would all both be dead already and also alive and the only narrators. I recognize that this is a me-specific problem, soooo… basically don’t do that and I suspect you’ll love it.