What a captivating world!

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Ophelia, Lucas, and Elias. Three people caught in the crosshairs of destiny as well as those of love. Their choices will shape the lives of their people.

This was such an intriguing read. I loved the mythology of the Conduits and how it interweaves with real world religions/mythology. I am also so thankful that there was a glossary in order to keep all the words that had to do with Conduits straight. Each power readers see is unique and interesting.

I am not usually a fan of love triangles, but this one tugged at my heartstrings. Elias is trying to do right by his people, while also dealing with a prophecy that has determined the fate of his other half- Ophelia. Lucas has been protecting Ophelia for over a year and has fallen for her. And her reactions to all this were insanely believable.

But this novel wasn't only focused on romance. It also contains multiple types of training for Ophelia as she enters this world she never knew existed. There was a clear war that had been happening for thousands of years, and yet there's still a hint of mystery.

I need the next book!