Magical Romance

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Magical romance - and I don't mean that in the "sparks are flying" kind of way - I mean literally magic and romance meet in this novel.

It starts out sweet and sentimental and immediately does a 180 as the main character gets swept up in a whirlwind of clouds and pain and realizes something is very wrong, and finds the body of a child and a distraught caretaker.

The dual perspective isn't my favorite style to read but it is broken up very well and easy to keep track of whose perspective you are reading the story through.

I enjoyed the writing style, something that can me from getting into a story.

Love the formatting of the book, the choices of body and title fonts and the decoration on the titles of each chapter.

The book description calls the book "this luminous young adult novel" and the art style of the cover art does well reflecting that... no pun intended.