Thought Provoking, But Heavy Handed

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I’m conflicted on this one. I think the idea behind a book that critiques the juvenile incarceration system is intriguing and could be a very empowering commentary. I think this book was done in a way that doesn’t capture all the nuances and complexities of the system and presents an oversimplified view of accountability that could be dangerous. It does inspire discussion and reflection, though!

Violetta finds herself in jail after a drunk driving accident that kills her baby sister. She is found guilty of manslaughter and her family is given the options of forgiveness, jail, or The Trials (think community service but very specialized and intense). This version of society puts justice in the hands of the victims’ family to decide punishment.

The story from here is much more philosophical and tackles the topics of guilt, innocence, peer pressure, remorse, and victimhood. I think it was very heavy handed with trying to make all of the teens victims of circumstance who didn’t deserve to be accountable for their mistakes. For example, all of the incarcerated characters felt they were unfairly jailed and had reasons for why they shouldn’t be subjected to the Trials. They were acting in self defense, stealing for good reasons, or getting tricked into consuming drugs/alcohol. There did not seem to be any characters who intentionally committed a crime, and the true drug dealers and influencers were never brought to justice. It’s hard to have a conversation about reform and remorse when the characters all felt that they were victims.

What this did do very well was present situations where peer pressure ultimately led down a dangerous path of drugs, alcohol, or uncomfortable sexual situations. It showed how listening to the influence of others can lead to mistakes and situations outside of your control, and it did it in a very realistic, non-cheesy way. Teen readers would be able to have very complex discussions about the topics presented here, though I’m worried they may not have the full background knowledge to see that some of these scenarios are a bit skewed.

Trigger warnings: mentions and brief descriptions of suicide and self harm, teen alcohol and drug use, consensual sexual interaction, brief mentions of nonconsensual sexual contact, descriptions of a car wreck.