Food for thought on punishment vs. rehabilitation done in a creative way

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The style of using the countdown of days in detention and days since the decision as the points of view by the two main characters makes it an interesting demarcation for the chapters. The exploration of rehabilitation of juveniles for their crimes that involves the victims family choosing "trials" that will fit with their crime in the hopes that they will understand the consequences of their actions and then the victims family could choose to forgive if the juvenile completes these trials in a satisfying manner is done in a thorough manner that provides two sides of the argument about whether this method would work to rehabilitate someone or if they should just go to prison or jail. This was a page turner of a story in my mind because of the suspense elements involved in wanting to find out about the results of the trials as well as the decisions of the victims families as well as the detainee at time. I voluntarily reviewed an advance readers copy of this book.