so problematic!

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Every Last Fear by Alex Finlay Review
Release date: March 2, 2021 by minotaur.
thanks to bookish first for the arc giveaway win.
“you’re just like me: trash.” forky from toy story 4

where to start?

“the Mexicans” over and over; woo-jin, ganesh, chang; “osama bin fuckface.”
i admit that the last one, horrible as it is, was spoken by a person who was meant to be racist and awful. but the problem with this book isn’t one racist character. the problem with this book is the racist author who thought this language, that these names were appropriate in 2021. a character named ganesh that immigrated from mumbai where he was rich and is now slumming it in america is obsessed with fox news and wants to “build the wall.” everything he says made me raise my eyebrows. then he was called “osama bin fuckface” in a bad by a bully and a racist, someone who he probably would have actually gotten along with, it seems. i don’t recall woo-jin saying more than two words. chang was an agent for the fbi who didn’t do much. another fbi agent REPEATEDLY called the Mexican authorities “the Mexicans.” and the worst past is, all of these examples (there are many more, these just engrained themselves most into my brain.) were not in any way important to the story. the bully at the bar? why was that a scene? why does ganesh, barely a secondary character, need to have a fox news obsession or that name? woo-jin could have easily been name john doe for how much he was involved. same with chang. it’s so problematic FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON.

not to mention that the twist and ending were laughable. and the way he wrote the seniors in high school? i was CRINGING. it was like the author thought all but maggie were idiots. he even wrote out that maggie’s friend didn’t know what literally meant. it was so stereotypical and sad.

the only reason i read and finished this book was because it is an arc and i wanted to see what all the hype was about.

if you need more examples saying this book is awful, please see @bookswithlulu and @lindas_reads for their reviews. this book is hella problematic and racist and i don’t recommend it to anyone. like my friend said last night when i told her about it, “i don’t think the author did all of that on accident.”

honestly, this whole book needs a trigger warning.