A Good Intro to Shakespeare

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I am a HUGE Shakespeare fan and I love any novel that is a retelling or a spin off of any of his works. I was drawn to this novel because it was what I call "Shakespeare adjacent". I was not sure what to expect but I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed reading the preview. I was not expecting the novel to be set up in as if the reader is reading a play. The stage directions and dialogue written as monologues is a genius way to handle this story. I also enjoy that the author is focusing on the women of Shakespeare and how they were treated in each of their stories, even though they all met the same faith. I am going to try to get my hands on a copy of this novel as soon as possible as I am thoroughly intrigued by the preview and where this novel is going to go. I am also interested to see how of the supporting characters come into play later on in the story. I also am excited to see the dynamics of all of the Shakespearean women and how they interact with one another.