Interestingly Different

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I enjoyed the poetic and tragic head long dump into the truth behind Shakespeare's use of women as cannon fodder in his plays. The timing of the authors words is well thought and comes smooth and natural sounding in the mind or to the ears. Imagery is just enough horror to understand exactly how bad these characters, made of the ink of Shakespeare's quill or no, have had it with each brief introduction of their little corners in the forever corners room. My only issue so far is that if this is printed into a physical copy there is SO MUCH paper going to waste. It is written in mostly the line by short line cadence of a poem leaving most of the page blank. And While I do love the style, I feel like columns of 3 per page would be better suited than a single column, to waste less paper. I enjoy the story from the Fallen Heroine's perspective greatly and would be very interested in reading the rest. It is incredibly easy to read in my opinion. Flows very nicely. I don't think I ever read Shakespeare's first play, and with out her tongue, I wonder how she might tell her own story when it came time. Or even what she might do once she's heard the others. Interestingly different for sure!