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The Empire of Lies” has been blurbed as a novel in the alternative history, time travel and sci- fit genres. Please do not that put you off from reading it. The well- written and deftly plotted novel is an exciting and entertaining blend of history, adventure and danger, with a bit of an unrequited love story added for leavening. “Empire of Lies” might be classed in the “ alternative history “ genre, but in my opinion it is far to well written and believable for that niche.Those novels, which begin with a twisting of history such as , “ If the South had won at Gettysburg,” or “ If Japan had invaded Hawaii after Pearl Harbor,” are one trick novels, shallow and lacking “ Empire of Lies”’s developed, interesting characters, it’s use of familiar, but changed locales and it’s serious content about the corruption of power versus the tumult of freedom and democracy make it a compelling story. The title, “Empire of Lies” is apt, for it is built on lies, corruption and repression.