Didn't Quite Work

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Unfortunately this one just didn't quite work for me, and maybe that is my own fault because I think I was expecting more of a female empowerment storyline. Instead I did not quite love the characters and I found the pacing very slow. This was very much a slow burn, which is not my preferred kind of burn and I kept losing interest and putting the book side. And maybe the author is just not for me. I read Saint X when it first came out and was not overly impressed (though I know I am in the minority for that one). I also usually appreciate short chapters, because I find them more engaging, so the decision to chop this into five parts didn't work for me either, as it became difficult to find a stopping point. And then when it was time to pick the book back up I just did not want to because I knew it was going to take me forever to get to another stopping place. All in all this just didn't work--although I really wanted it to.