Librarian vs Reader: Draw & Paint Supercute Animals

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Librarian: How does your 700s section look? Is is circulating? Specifically are the 760s circulating? (The 760s are drawing & painting for you non-librarians.) If yes, then is this the type of drawing book you need? You know your patrons, and what they like and don't. Would they make use of this book?
Personally I would be more inclined to order this book for a children's nonfiction section than an adult one. Based on experience working in both areas, I have more trouble seeing this circulating amongst adults then I do amongst kids. Not that it won't get any circs in an adult reference section, but I can see it getting significantly more in a children's one.
Reader: I cannot draw worth anything. Unfortunately, working through the exercises in this book didn't really change that. Still it was fun to try. I might pick up a copy of this one for a Christmas present for a friend.