Jellyfish Fever

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From the author: "Whether you love or hate my work..."

"If I got to chose between your God and the devil,
the devil is fine." !

Love: Freddy and Clarence!
Malcolm, at times
the Road Flagger

Love: the imagined words of the people from beyond the grave

Enjoy: Great evolving, revolving plot that early got lost when he wanted
to run over a fox, then recovering alcoholic walks into a bar, gets drunk & wears "slacks."

Hate: despite doctor telling him not to mix alcohol with medications, he does this and ends up with (too many) repeated panic attacks, sleep paralysis, hallucinations, puking, delusions, visions...

So, he disses two Whiteys, complete with kicking the woman and this makes him (finally) feel happy until his "state" returns.
So, if a White man kicked a Black woman, that would be okay?

How he keeps drinking despite stopping after drunken drop of his baby son and his son's accidental death is an unresolved mystery.

Also hate: images of tentacles in leg and refusal to see a doctor for pain.

Dislike: not even considering that any decent Black or White or Brown or Red or Yellow therapist could have helped him get beyond himself and his internal divisions so he could figure out why (genetic? personality?...) he does not feel warmth instead of coldness toward people, whether he loves or despises them