A dark and twisting tale that had me until the end

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From the moment we get off the boat with Grey, we're sucked into the slippery mess of the Summer Children, and their dark past and dangerous future. Every single character brought something to the table and how the mystery was playing out for each of them.

The mystery at hand pulls you in but you'll want to stay for the unravelling of the past. Perhaps it would have been helped to have more in depth detail of the southern folklore and the monsters they spoke of, but getting bits and pieces from the youngest character seemed fitting in the end.

With so many many snags and bumps along the way, the book will keep you guessing all the way to the end. At one point or another you will question most if not all of the characters in one way or another. From Honey, omitting the past, to Hart unable to let go of someone else's past, everyone has something to bring to the table and how denying the truth with consume you in the end.