Fresh perspective, gripping story

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“Gods do not care about us. They have other concerns. That is why you should never live in the shadow of their anger. It is men you must fear. It is men who will be angry with you if you rise too high, if you are too much loved. The stronger you are, the more they will try to take you down.”

Clytemnestra is finally given her moment in the light as we read about her story. The narrative follows Clytemnestra and we are able to learn about her life, but also importantly her motivations, her convictions, and how she was made into the vilified Queen we've come to know her as.

The writing was well-done and I enjoyed getting to see Clytemnestra interact with other familiar characters, such as Odysseus and Helen of Troy. Knowing Greek mythology helped to have a more clear understanding of the story but is not needed to enjoy this book. I look forward to seeing what other work Costanza Casati creates and will definitely be keeping an eye out.