Setting up to be an epic novel!

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The poem at the beginning is beautiful and really sets the tone for the story. I appreciate that we are given diagrams of the family lineages. The opening line is bold and immediately draws you into the setting. The brief anecdotes of memories from the character's childhood show insight into her personality, and give us a backdrop of the story world. The writing is lyrical and atmospheric. We get a good understanding of the two sisters, Helen and Clytemnestra, and the ways that they both compare and contrast, as well as how their characteristics help or hinder them from fitting into the world around them. They are both at an age where they are transitioning from girls to women and we see how this journey is both scary and exciting for Clytemnestra, a very relatable theme. I already love the strong-willed, independent nature of Clytemnestra. It's fun to see the family dynamics and easy-bonding between all the siblings. The story is rich in its lore and world-building. And, lastly, we get the first glimpse at a budding relationship that seems as if it will be perilously emotional. The cover has an interesting view of the same woman in a mirror image of herself, on one side wearing a crown and on the other like the dripping of blood. I'm definitely intrigued to see how this duality shown on the cover is reflected in the context of the story. This first look is setting up to be an epic novel, following the likes of other incredibly popular mythology-based fantasies in recent years. I cannot wait to read the rest of this story!