A story I will not forget

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I do not think I have the words to truly express what an extraordinary book this is. I enjoyed THE TATOOIST OF AUSCHWITZ so, of course, wanted to know Cilka’s story. However, this book can easily be read without first reading THE TATOOIST OF AUSCHWITZ.

In THE TATOOIST OF AUSCHWITZ Cilka is a friend of Gita’s. Cilka’s beauty brought her to the attention of the Commandant at Birkenau who claimed her as his mistress, leading to repeated rapes and abuse . Cilka, only 16 years old when she entered the camp, had to do distasteful things in order to survive. After the liberation of the camps Cilka, now 19 years old, was tried and found guilty of collaborating with the enemy. She was sentenced to 15 years at the Vorkuta gulag in Siberia.

CILKA’S JOURNEY is the story of Cilka’s imprisonment at the gulag and the strength required of her to survive the harsh conditions there. I found myself constantly asking what choice she had. Obviously those who tried and sentenced survivors had no idea what these people were put through. It seemed so unfathomable that she would go from one prison to another with absolutely no control of what was done to her.

Fortunately Cilka makes an impression on Yelena, the female doctor at the gulag who gives Cilka a job in the hospital. Cilka’s life finally takes a positive turn. She comes to recognize the strength she has and even finds that she has room in her heart to love. When Lale (the tattooist at Auschwitz) was interviewed by Heather Morris he said that Cilka was the bravest person he had ever met. Her determination to survive, her bravery, and her compassion for others totally won my heart.

Morris’ superb writing made me feel the suffering, anger, and fear of the prisoners. I was totally enthralled and found it extremely difficult to put the book down. This is a story I will not forget.