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I was looking for a cute fast read, and I wasn't disappointed. Nolan likes to steal chess pieces and just like he steals those pieces he stole a piece of my heart. Has this book tempted me in wanting to learn to how to play chess? Yes. Will I actually learn how to play chess? Probably not, definitely wishful thinking. I enjoyed the way that the concept of chess was use (yes, a lot of the words used went right over my head), but it didn't really affect me while I was reading this book. One thing that did put me off was the ending felt like it was rushed! The entire book it was leading up to the competition and it took literally ONE page to end it. Like why provide all of this world building and character development if you are just going to end the competition in a single page...it beats me. Overall, the cover and the story were adorable! I definitely recommend this book if you are looking for a cute short romance.