This story lived up to all the good things I had previously read about it

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I have seen many readers write about how much they loved Breakfast at the Honey Street Café. I am one of those who have too frequently discovered that books and movies do not live up to the flattering press and am disappointed when I do not feel an inkling of the mass love given to them. Jodi Thomas is a new to me author and I was thrilled to find that was not the case with this book. Yes, I was hooked from the very start.

Ms. Thomas has created a town I would love to visit. While the premise is centered around the disappearance of Boone Buchanan, the story is about life in Honey Creek and how the residents look out for one another. We also find several romances blossoming within this book.

Anyone who enjoys a blend of mystery and romance should enjoy this easy to read story.

Many thanks to Kensington Publishing Corp. for my selecting me to receive an advance copy. No promise of a positive review was promised or requested.