It was okay

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cstrong555 Avatar


I did like the quote "She was a Mackenzie and Mackenzies stand their ground". This quote was in the prologue so it was interesting. The prologue also mentions a pretend boyfriend's body floating down the river so that just screams romance.
I wasn't really a fan of the writing style of this book. I just didn't feel myself pulled into the world. The chapters were pretty short, except for Piper's chapter at the end.
Piper Jane is a 33 (Almost 34) year old mayor of Honey Creek. and her "pretend" boyfriend is missing. A trooper Colby (Which is apparently a nickname) is there to investigate. Then there's Sam who is in Honey Creek for some reason that I didn't really care to go back and look at.
Questions we're left with since this is a romance novel supposedly:
1) Who will Piper end up with? Colby (Who she claims is not her type) or Sam (The mystery man)?
2) Will the mystery of where is Boone Buchanan be solved?
My answers and predictions: I really don't care.