Pick This Book Up!!
The cover is amazing! I haven't read a Tricia Levenseller book I haven't liked yet. I really enjoy her writing and where she takes her stories. This book has a lot of great things going for it which made me keep reading past my bedtime a couple of nights. I loved the strong sister relationship, we don't always see genuine sibling relationship to root for, the portrayal of social anxiety which a lot of us can relate to, the found family, which is a trope I adore, the humor, and the magic. The magic aspect was really interesting and different. It was mostly fast paced and there was a lot of action. I only had two small complaints: one plot aspect happened very fast and resolved itself even faster, and I really wanted a little more world building. But I imagine we will get some more in the next book which I will definitely be picking up. I really enjoyed my time with this one.