Fast paced and interesting!

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This was a quick but enjoyable read! I liked the main characters and I liked the plot, but I didn't necessarily love anything. I was interested in the plot of the story and the characters, but I didn't feel any real attachment to them. The main character's love interest was a more developed character than the main character herself. I think this made the events in the story feel like they had really low stakes because I was never truly worried for any of them. Regardless, there were some plot twists in the book that did actually surprise me.

Part of the reason I enjoyed this book was because of the author's writing style. It is very straightforward and easy to understand, which makes the book feel like a very short read. I liked the ending, but it didn't feel like an event that a book would end on. There isn't really a dramatic issue at the end of the book that solidified the ending, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Overall, this was an enjoyable read and I will be picking up book two!