Personal and Entertaining

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I enjoyed reading Henry Winkler‘s memoir and learning about his journey towards fame and his backstory of his growing up years. It was a book that was a lot of fun to read. Even though Henry and the Fonz seem to be synonymous, Henry‘s acting career spans past his iconic role as he also was also a director, producer, and winner of 3 Emmys and 2 Golden Globes. His humor and good nature permeates the entire book, it was like having a conversation with an old friend. He was also so transparent about his struggle with dyslexia and how it affected his ability to rehearse and perform, resorting to a lot of improve. Since Mr. Winkler is so good at humor and thinking quick, he usually always had lines that would stay in the movie. It was fun to read about all the different personalities he encounters throughout his career and who sticks by his side. He built friendships and impressed people with his kindness and relatability. Henry Winkler is a gem in Hollywood.