Happy and Successful

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I watch some of the Happy Days TV show, not all of them. I wasn't necessarily a fan of the show. Most of the time I thought it too silly/stupid. Though not all of the characters were stupid, just Potise & Ralph, which made the show hard to watch for me. All that said...

I enjoyed Henry Winkler's book "Being Henry, The Fonz...and Beyond". The first part of the book is very moving. His family's history and the not-so-nice-parents. And how he made it to California to pursue his dream. The story bogs down a bit with the mention of everybody he knows. Dropping names like the reader knows these people--we don't.

I did enjoy his wife, Stacy's point of view. That was a great touch to the story. His kids sound happy and successful. Which means Henry was and is a good father. I have heard he had a reputation of being a nice guy in Hollywood, I'm glad he is.

The story is easy to read, no gigantic words to slow it down (thank you). The story flows nicely, with just a little bit of jumping back and forth, which was/is needed.