#BookReview: Bad Girls Never Say Die by Jennifer Mathieu

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I picked this one up because of course. Say it with me. The COVER!! This cover drew me in!! So parts of this one felt very predictable and flat but others were just so amazing and so good I just could not put it down. I just had to keep reading through breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I didn't put this one down at all.

I loved the gender flipped of Outsiders and I think that this works well for the story. I think that lovers of the Outsiders will enjoy this one as well as those that are looking for a new spin on an older story. It just gives you that nistaja feel.

Overall, I was never completely invested in the story. Even though I could not put it down. But I do think it would be interesting to read this alongside with reading The Outsiders maybe for a school thesis where you could compare and contrast them.

I also think that this would be an amazing story! With all of the characters and the thriller aspect it would make one killer movie.