A feminist Outsiders!

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Bad Girls Never Say Die is an awesome feminist spin on the classic The Outsiders. Evie is a “bad girl” - one of the girls other mothers warn you about. She and her friends are known for their heavy eye makeup, cutting class, and not holding up to the “ladylike” ideals expected for women in 1960’s Houston.

When Evie Has a run-in with a “tea sipper,” person from the rich side of Houston, she meets Diane Ferris a girl from the right side of the tracks who had recently moved to the bad neighborhood. Together, she, Diane, and their group of friends learned the meaning of friendship, loyalty, and what it means to be a girl in society’s shifting views of women during the feminist revolution.

Overall, I loved the feminist take on this classic story and found the characters gripping and sympathetic. Evie herself is a powerful character but each of the other girls is equally well written. The historical touches throughout the story were the cherry on top.

Don’t let the fact that this is a YA story fool you - this book is mature, thoughtful, and an engrossing read. Pick this up for sure!