Taking the axe was their first mistake

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A bet leads to a dare leads to disaster when a group of well off boarding school buddies decide to go camping in Yosemite for a weekend. The leader of the group - CEO throws everyone off by inviting a girl he met. Ellie isn't quite sure what to make of this little expedition but goes along with it instead of immediately turning back home. The wisecracking Grahame with his fake Bob Marley accent is looking to pick a fight. We are never sure the real reason they are on this trip but you get the feeling that someone is controlling the outcome until they actually reach the valley and their plans must change. Things go from friendly banter to outright fights and from bad to worse weather wise. Out of their element and grossly unprepared for what Mother Nature is about to throw at them, they must somehow survive fire, snow and bears as well as each other and of course no one knows where they really are. "Bad Call" is a twisty look at the people we pretend to be and the people we really are- whines and all.