Let the fun began
Sometimes one just wants to be away from everyone, Not everyone wants to be around their families all the time, Living far from every and anyone gives you the privacy to do as one pleases, to feel free to do as you want, Sometimes you need to be away by yourself to think and to breath, I couldn't think of a better way to do then down by the sea, Who doesn't like fresh salt air and the sound of the sea? A big house to get lost in , If you threw a big party , bet lots would show up just to see what the place looked like, or why you like being so far from every one, I don't think I would want my family living next door to me, I would n't like them being in my business, ans who knows maybe there is more to Aunt Poldi then meants the eye, maybe she has a secret of her own and doesn't want it to be found out.