A good book, the plot just didn't twist in the direction I wanted

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I have to start by saying that I love Emily Giffin's books, and I'm always eagerly awaiting her next release. With that said, this was not one of my favorites, but it's nothing to do with the plot itself. It's mainly because I personally wanted to see different storylines explored. I don't want to give anything away, but certain plot twists took the story in a different direction from the one I initially expected (and of course that's the very definition of a plot twist) but instead of being enjoyably surprised by the new direction, I found myself annoyed that the questions I wanted addressed were being left behind. Ultimately I think it's a compliment to the author that I really wanted to get her perspective on the issues that interested me most! Overall it's a good book and definitely gave me a lot to think about, I just had to accept that they weren't the things I expected to be thinking about.