Interesting view of how individuals shape us

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As a reader that is not often driven to emotions, this one caught me in all of the feels beginning in the dedication written "For my parents."

"Affliction, Growing Up With a Closeted Gay Dad" by Laura Hall.

As an individual in the LGBTQIA+ community, I expected to find bits of myself along the way. There were moments that were relatable, as someone in the community, but Hall's story is unique and stands independently too.

Hall's father came out to her in 1975, after she had already begun to experience her own complications in establishing healthy relationships. Hall was a twice-divorced single mother at the time.

As the narrative continues, Hall begins to unpack how her childhood. It was interesting to see the reflection on how each of us is shaped by those influences in our lives, including of course her father being closeted... that something supposedly 'unseen' still played a role.