I’m intrigued

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It seems like a very interesting story. I would like to know more about the characters that I’m reading about. It kept me reading, there wasn’t a moment that I felt bored reading this story. I like that we get to read from the view of a spoiled rich girl, I’m sure that there is more to her than meets the eye, and I can’t wait to see what secrets are revealed about her.

I don’t know where the author is going with this story, but I don’t think they will disappoint. It flows without a problem, and it was really enjoyable.

I love books like these, so I’m glad I saw someone’s review and decided to give it a chance. I really want to know what happens next and I might use my points to pick this one up!

I don’t have a lot to say just yet because it was only 3 chapters long, but I’m sure once I’ll read more, I’ll be very glad that I gave this book a chance! I love high school drama, and I love a mystery, so this is right up my alley!