So far captivating

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Obviously, this is just a short snippet of the book however, within the few pages that were available to read I am definitely interested in reading more of this. There’s certainly some mystery suspense aspects to this novel mixed with some fantasy with vampires. I’m also a sucker for tea, myself and the books that I’ve read that involves tea trade or leaves often have some magic or Additional twists in the plot line, which I think would be very entertaining. Certainly have to kind of hear more as to why there’s animosity from Arthie and everyone else who would seem. She’s also clearly hiding something from Jin. Not sure if it’s to do with the rent or potentially some magic since the vile wasn’t in the floorboard, but we will only have to wait and see. I like how the plot kind of jumps right in as often time that’s the hardest part of a book for me is getting started. This book seemed to quickly quickly engage as a reader