I loved this!

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I know it's still early in the year, but this is definitely one of my favorites that I've read so far this year. There were so many aspects of this book that I loved. In this book we follow Arthie, criminal mastermind of White Roaring, who finds out that her tearoom Spindrift is being threatened. The only way to save it is to pull off a heist with a ragtag team. and infiltrate the Athereum, where the top of vampire society hang out.

The writing style of this book had such a good flow to it. There were also a few twists and turns, especially towards the end, that I had to keep reading until I finished reading. I love a good heist plot so I l thoroughly enjoyed that aspect of the story. I really loved all of the characters. I thought that they were well written and I enjoyed getting to learn more about them as the story progressed. I definitely have a soft spot for Arthie and Matteo though. Arthie was such an interesting character to me so I really enjoyed getting to learn more about her past. I also loved the found family dynamic that developed between Arthie, Jin, and Flick. The world that was created in the book was a lot of fun to explore. I also thought that the way that the vampires in this book were interesting particularly with how there was a difference between full and half vampires. I'm definitely excited to see what happens next with this series.