Fun Engaging Read

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I'm such a sucker for a heist story and this book did not disappoint! Arthie was a smart engaging character and Jin is someone I could fall in love with. I enjoyed the fact that Arthie always seemed to have something up her sleeve. And while her name isn't my cup of tea, and I found it a bit distracting, I was able to get over it due to how fun the story was.

I also liked the multiple perspectives we experience and the themes of forging your own path and how important found family is. Finally, add in a bunch of vampires and you have a really interesting fantasy setting in which this heist story is set.

This is book one in a series, and it does end on a cliffhanger, so it's a bummer to have to wait for the next book!

Overall, this was right up my ally and it didn't disappoint! Full of strong female characters, lovable male characters and a smart plot this one was a winner in my book!