Almost (but not quite) a flop

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The problem with being active in the bookstagram community is that you don't often go into books blind. I had been warned that the first section of the book was slow and boring, that the father's character wasn't very sympathetic or interesting. So when I made it through that section, I was ready for the action to pick up. And it did. But Stella's naivete frustrated me. I called the ending very early on, based on information Stella reveals. So when Stella's section dragged for me as much as Adam's did, I was almost ready to write off the whole book.

And along came Ulrika. The final section of the book is where you get tension (because you're on a time limit in the courtroom) and once people start lying, you can't be sure what is going to come out.

I found myself frustrated with the use of rotating first person (It's a personal preference) when the characters didn't have a distinct narrative voice (perhaps that was lost in translation?) BUT of course with as much conflicting information as comes out from one section to the next, I realized it HAS to be in first person, so we might believe them.

Basically, I can absolutely see why people love this book. Personally, it was slow and a little too predictable for me. The characters fell into easy boxes and didn't really challenge that. But there is, generally, a clever revealing of information as time goes, and, more interesting, conflicting facts even between characters who experienced the same moment, which lends an air of authenticity to the whole thing.