Amazing read

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Lizzie is working late one night when she gets a call from jail. It’s her old friend, Zach, asking for her to represent him in… the murder of his wife. He swears he’s innocent. He didn’t do it. So who did? We Lizzie unravels the knots in this tight-knit community, she realizes all marriages hold secrets.

Wow! I couldn’t put this one down. I loved the story told in this novel, from following what happened to Amanda to finding out how Lizzie’s story connected. Such a suspense that is definitely a beach read this summer. I loved each character’s backstory and the build up of suspense that occurred. I was dying to read this one, as I loved the author’s previous work. This story has everything: murder, lies, swingers, it just keeps getting more and more salacious! Kimberly McCreight crafted an amazing suspenseful thriller and I look forward to her future novels.