A heartbreaking, but so engaging memoir

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I'm not exactly sure how I can fully review this book yet, but it's been 24 days so I should probably just try.

This book was so beautiful, heartbreaking, and so engaging. I didn't want to put this book down, but I was so appalled that a girl would have to go through this...not just a girl, but I felt so terrible that any child would have to face this trauma.

At the age of 14, Adrienne is swept into her mother's affair. She quickly becomes her mother's confidant and accomplice in the entire charade. It puts so much stress upon her, causing her to become sick and to develop anxiety and depression. As Adrienne's life continues on, she has to realize that putting her mother before her own well-being is more damaging than anything and that she needs to take care of herself.

This memoir is so heart-breaking. Just reading about her chaotic and stressful mother made me stressed out. Therefore, I had so much empathy for the poor woman. It was really wonderful to read about Adrienne's personal growth and journey toward self-love and romantic love.

This book made me really think about my own relationship with my mother, as well as how I approach self-care and self-love.

This is absolutely a must-read. I think so many people would benefit from Adrienne's life experience. She is truly talented and lovely. She deserves so much happiness.