Beautifully illustrated and an alluring plot!

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My sneak peak wouldn’t load properly but from what I read as the summary I am all in. The fact that it’s 2 sisters, Kajal and Lasya, who are dealing with life in unimaginable ways puts me on an emotional and relatable roller coaster. My sister and I are very close and books are our thing with magic, mystery, and murder being top topics of choice. I could not imagine loosing my sister let alone her turning into a bhuta and having to fight my way to save or revive her soul alongside a mistakenly awakened soul. All while trying to keep my sister from turning and murdering me! Amazing and I would love to read it! Also the cover art is beautiful and vibrant giving the sense of an afterlife in death and I love it!
Btw I gave the first look rating a 4 as I was not able to see the full downloaded document.