Loved the Characters

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I'll be honest, I was really hyped up for this book, and when I finally got around to reading it, it didn't match my expectations. The romance was all superficial, to be honest, and it would have been interesting to see it grow and for there to be more actual interactions between them. Definitely an enemies to lovers, and the characters are amazing, especially some of the side characters (really wish there was more from there stories). I didn't enjoy the POV switches too much but it wasn't too bad, they kept my attention. One big thing is there are a lot of words that aren't explained, so it does get confusing. An index or translation somewhere would have been helpful, as a reader, I am far too lazy to actually look up the words and so it just messed with the flow. It was kind of slow but did get better towards the end, and while I loved the plot and the mythology and how it all came together, I really feel it could have been fleshed out more and done better.