Pretty good!

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It was really good! I was surprised I liked it as much as I did! It had enough mystery to keep me interested the entire time, and enough drama so it didn’t feel boring! It brought my attention to the world and how what we put out into the world, we will end getting back. How what we do to the earth will always have a way on making an impact in our daily living. Now whether that impact is negative or positive, it is all up to us. I loved the way it was written. It was fantastic writing and easy to read, I didn’t feel like I had to decipher things as I went along. Like I do with some books I read.
It also made me think about my childhood and my friends that I had growing up. How things I did with them has impacted my life as an adult. Just like the characters in this book learned as well and that was something I felt like everyone who reads this book can connect to. Thank you for a great read! I really enjoyed it!

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