Magical Read

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I don’t normal read young adult fantasy novels, so I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed Unseelie! I loved the magical aspects of this book and watching as Seelie learned to use her powers. I found Seelie to be extremely relatable, so I enjoyed her character arc and emotional development throughout the story. I also loved the chemistry between Raze and Seelie from the very beginning! It was fun following them on their journey, although I’m not sure which I enjoyed more - passages set in the “real” world or in the fairy worlds!

While this book was certainly an entertaining read, I felt like it was too long. I would have been more engaged as a reader if it was shortened, and it certainly could have been condensed without sacrificing the storyline. That being said, I feel that not having Seelie and Isolde reunite with their parents and restore their memories was a missed opportunity.

While this book was outside of my normal reads, it was quite enjoyable nonetheless! Unseelie was definitely an entertaining novel!