Interesting true crime memoir
This is definitely a true crime must read!!! If you are a fan of true crime in any of its forms then this book is for you and you must read it immediately!! I promise you you’ll love it (you can thank me later). I found this memoir so interesting, I absolutely devoured it. I’ve always had an interest in crime and all the other aspects that go into it and when you’re watching a documentary or listening to a case on a podcast it’s so easy to sit back and try to put the pieces together and solve the case but to read what it truly takes to do this job was a total eye opener. I respect the investigators and detectives who put their lives on the line and risk so much to try to get these horrific people off the streets. And Paul Holes worked some of the worst cases I’ve ever watched/read/listened to… I also appreciate how he handled writing about the victims without getting too insensitive. Add this to your TBR list now.