Could have been an amazing thriller

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I really wanted to love this and I somewhat did, but it was just really really cringey at times and the ending made me really mad.

What is this about? Short version: two best friends are about to go to college thousands of miles apart, so they do a last minute hike/camp weekend. All by themselves hiking a huge mountain, and they've never been hiking or camping before. Things start to go wrong and there is someone watching them in the woods.

Now the premise of this is amazing and I was expecting a creepy thriller. The first half of this book is two teenage girls bickering about pointless things. Not to mention why? So the first chapter they're best friends but after that they can't stand each other. The things they argued about were just so foolish to me especially being in the woods. Once I got past the first half I really did end up on the edge of my seat and the graphic scenes about injuries had my stomach super queasy.

I am a huge fan of camp thrillers/hiking thrillers and this one once again let me know why I don't go camping. Ever. The last half of this was so fast paced with SO much going on I read 150 pages and didn't even realize the book had ended! I had to go back and reread because I couldn't believe it was just done.

While I think the thrilling aspect was phenomenal and truly has me petrified to go camping or hiking, the ending just didn't do it. I needed a real resolution and I need even a short epilogue. I don't want to give anything away, but it just so abruptly ended that I got a bad taste in my mouth. This is one of those thrillers that you definitely need a closed ending and things wrapped up.
While this isn't my favorite YA thriller, it did have sections that were 5 stars for me. As a whole it had a lot of unwanted sections and some that needed to be really expanded.