Harriet's Mission

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I enjoy historical fiction, especially when, as this did, it recounts events with which I was unfamiliar. The author brought the people and the times to life, and I found myself indignant on Harriet's behalf at the lack of respect and lack of human dignity with which she was often treated.

I appreciated that the author's note revealed how some parts of the novel (such as Kizzy's storyline), were inspired by small details from the historical record. I do wish there had been more information on what happened after the story. How many men enlisted? Did this help put an end to plantation culture in the area? What efforts, if any were made to help the newly freed ones start a new life?

What I didn't like about this novel was the love story. I can't begin to imagine all the pain and complications that arise when humans are treated like livestock. Still, this love story had the ring of infidelity, so I could not enjoy that storyline.

Thank you to BookishFirst for the early read.