So Close but Didn't Land

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This book had some great ideas and excellent representation- but as a whole the plot was a bit all over the place which really detracted from the whole experience- there were some pretty big plot holes that I just couldn't wrap my head around.

What I liked: the representation was fabulous- Jake Livingston is one of the few people of color at his Georgia prep school, and is a member of the LGBTQA+ community. To top it all off, he is also a medium and can see ghosts- I loved this idea and loved how the author described a few of the ghosts and the spooky ambiance.

What didn't work so well: the plot, there were so many times where something would just be thrown in to make the characters life easier/harder but it was never introduced before as an element in the story, this is especially true in the ghost world- I wished some more world building had been put in. I think that the pacing was a bit off too. Additionally, I just wish I knew more about Jake as a person- I feel like I spent a huge part of the story with him but in the end didn't know him at all (other than he sees ghosts and is super anxious)!

This was one of my most anticipated reads of the year so I am a bit disappointed that I didn't love it- but I am so hopeful that this will encourage more stories like this in the future!

Also this cover is absolutely amazing!!!!