Fun, creepy read

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"It's more a hope than a promise. I can't make any promises."

The Taking Of Jake Livingston by Ryan Douglass is both creepy and contemporary. For Jake, being a queer black teen in a mostly white school is difficult enough, but now imagine also seeing dead people everywhere you go. When one of the ghosts seems to be able to break through into the world of the living, it's up to Jake to stop a murdering ghost, protect himself, and balance the complexities of his social life. At times downright scary, and at other times heartbreaking, this book was much more than I had expected it to be. An excellent own voices story with a supernatural twist. I definitely recommend this book for a fun, creepy read.

Disclaimer: The quoted text is from an advanced reader copy I received from G.P. Putnam's Sons, NetGalley and BookishFirst in exchange for my honest review.