Live Bright!

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Live bright and be bold! The Sunshine Mind is broken down into one hundred days. With each day starting with a quote of scripture and a small paragraph relating to that days topic. Love yourself, help others, remember to smile, ect. This hardback book is nicely designed and looks great on my bookcase! It's funny, I didn't realize until I saw the back of the book that one of the authors is a radio personality from my local radio station here in Los Angeles. After seeing that I was even more interested in the authors perspective on things, lol. I find it refreshing to have a chance to read and review books that have a religious spiritual uplifting point of view. The fact that this is only one hundred day sections it is definitely easy to read daily and take in a few life lessons along the way!
Thank you Bookishfirst for a copy of this book. All reviews are my own.