Unpredictable + engaging = the perfect psychological thriller

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I absolutely adored this book.

I'm one of those people who can put together the facts and guess the ending way before you're even half-way through the book, the TV show, or the movie. This is one of many rare books where I didn't manage to put the pieces together; it was shocking, emotive, and all around incredibly unpredictable.

This novel focuses very closely on the relationship between a psych patient and the psychologist that is attempting to get her to talk once again, especially about the traumatic events that put her there. Throughout the book, you explore this relationship, and the progress made in unravelling said events.


The ending completely blew my mind; making the psychologist the killer? Wow, just wow. I think part of my brain didn't even consider this as a possibility because there's an automatic level of trust between carer and patient, it was outstandingly done as well!