More of a mystery than a thriller.

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This was definitely an easy read, mostly because of the overly simplistic writing style. It made sense that the wording was very blunt and non-descriptive because it was all written as journal entries/internal thoughts of the characters, however it made it more difficult to feel any emotions about the characters. I feel that everyone was defined by their childhood trauma or their looks and that was as deep as you went as far as their personalities. I never felt bad for anyone or was rooting for anyone throughout the story.

The twist was well done, I definitely wasn't expecting it and it made some of the simple scenes earlier on stand out more. I definitely wouldn't say it lived up to the hype of being the "perfect thriller ever" because the main storyline was pretty boring until part 4 (which is almost the end of the book). I was constantly waiting for something more exciting to happen & I still feel that a decent amount of things were left unexplained. Not too bad for a quick read.