Not for me

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A somewhat different retelling of the legend of King Arthur, this story begins with the Princess Vivian going into hiding after the death of her father, the king of Selgovae. Vivian lives in a mountain with her loyal subjects who can forge the best swords. Like the original story, Arthur becomes the high King when he is able to pull Caliburn the sword belonging to Vivien’s father, from stone. The story is similar to the original legend of King Arthur with some of the knights having unfamiliar names. Arthur eventually breaks Calburn and receives Excalibur from Vivian, now the lady of the Lake and she and Arthur wed. Other well-known characters are introduced such as Morgan le Fey and Myrrdin (Merlin) and the story is incomplete in this volume.
I have to say that I enjoyed very little of this book. I like King Arthur tales but the writing style of this author is not for me. I found the book disjointed and just boring with the exception of Vivien's story at the beginning.