Very interesting first look

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Vivien seems to be on the verge of breaking apart for ever, with the invasions and slaughtering of innocent people who wouldn’t be broken and tired. The first look admittedly had its ups and downs for me. Sometimes the writing seems over-complicated and or overly expressed, however at other times it seems well explained as I can literally imagine and be transported back into a time that both existed and did not exist. The storyline itself is interesting and kept me wondering what was going on. Although a little slow paced at times, which makes the build up drag on, I did enjoy the first look simply for the beautifully crafted artwork and story plot mixed in with a little war, politics, and seemingly lost love that enticed me to read on.
The specific calligraphy used is also a beautiful touch. The front cover is both subtle and beautiful. The illustrations witnessed in the first look were also stunningly done in an old-portrait style which I found to be very nostalgic. I am also a sucker for maps of hidden realms and areas especially when mixed with real life representations so all around loved the illustrations and this book more than delivers on the visualization.